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The California Wine Club Announces New Pacific Northwest Club

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”]California Wine Club Pacific Northwest[/custom_frame_left]The California Wine Club, one of our best reviewed clubs, has just announced that it is rolling out a club with wines from the Pacific Northwest. Like their other clubs, the wines will be hand selected from boutique wineries.

According to the press release, “This series was designed in response to requests from members, who know that we work tirelessly to bring them exceptional wine selections that otherwise they may never discover,” said Bruce and Pam Boring, owners of The California Wine Club. The first wines are a 2009 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon and the Bruno's 2012 Columbia Valley Sauvignon Blanc, both from Va Piano Winery in Walla Walla, Washington.

We've been fans of The California Wine Club since we first reviewed their Premier Series. Similar to that club, the Pacific Northwest Series will feature 2 bottles of wine in each shipment. Shipments for this club, however, will be every other month rather than monthly. The new club will allow them to explore more of the country plus provides a unique club that we have not seen anywhere else–wines specifically from Washington and Oregon.

You can read our entire California Wine Club review to get more information about how the owners select wines, the quality of the wines you can expect to receive, and the other benefits that come with their clubs.


Tricia Meyer is a lawyer and affiliate marketer. She spends most of her time visiting Disney, cheering on the Steelers, and drinking wine. Luckily her husband and two adult daughters tolerate doing all of those with her!

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