We review wine clubs.
We independently research every club that we review. Although we may receive free samples or commissions on some sales, our opinions are always our own.

How to Get Your Wine Club Reviewed

We Provide Specialized, Comprehensive Promotional Opportunities for Wine of the Month Clubs

Here at the Wine Club Group, we review wine clubs and help people find the best wine of the month club for themselves, or as a gift.

So, we get a lot (and I mean a lot) of requests to review wine clubs from all around the world.  (I’m sorry, but unless you can ship to the US, we simply can’t review your wine club.  But, you can be fully promoted in our Directory of Wine Clubs)

So, first – a big “Thank You” to everyone who’s contacted us about their wine clubs.  We really enjoy reviewing and promoting the best wine of the month clubs.

Let’s Get Your Wine Club Reviewed and Promoted

Here’s how you can get your wine club reviewed and promoted on our network of Wine Club sites and resources.  (We’re still getting this process down to a science, but I think we’re pretty close!)

Choose From Our Promotional Options.

1. Directory of Wine Clubs Listing and Promotion (New and Growing!)

We’re building the most complete directory of Wine Clubs on the internet at WineClubsDirectory.com.

Wine clubs from all around the world are eligible to be listed, and promoted in our Directory of Wine Clubs.

Getting listed in our Wine Clubs Directory is the easiest way to promote your wine club and our preferred first step in getting started with us.

WCG - WineClubs Directory Screenshot

Why submit your listing?

  • Promote Your Wine Club with a Quality Listing
    You can easily add your own listing, complete with images, full HTML description (including links to your site), short summary, tagline, keywords, tags, categories, contact information and map (if applicable).
  • Comprehensive Listing
    Your Wine Club Directory Listing can be as full-featured and comprehensive as you want it to be.  (We reserve the right to refuse or edit inaccurate or inappropriate listings.)
  • Premium Listing Available
    Want to have your wine club “featured” on the Directory, and found within multiple (appropriate) categories?  That's an easy upgrade and is available for a reasonable fee.
  • Don’t want a full review? No problem:   Just get listed in our Wine Clubs Directory!
    You'll still get a comprehensive listing and have control over messaging and all promotional content within your listing.  (Even without a full review of your wine club, a directory listing is the minimum you’ll want for promoting your wine club.)

Pricing: We offer several budget-friendly options, including a “Featured Listing” opportunity. See pricing here: List your wine club in the Directory of Wine Clubs.(select “submit” in the menu to add your listing.)


2. Full Review

As you can see on our WineClubGroup.com website, we provide comprehensive reviews of our favorite wine clubs.

These reviews take time.  (A lot of time!)  So, we can't just accept a few deliveries from a company and consider that compensation.  (We'll be super-happy accept your yummy wine as a fringe benefit though!)  But really, you'd expect to send the product for a review, as we need something to show within our reviews.  There is a basic slotting fee to get in to our review queue, but it's very reasonable.

When we review a Wine Club, we really *review* the wine club!  

Our reviews often include:

  • Video Review
    If appropriate, we'll produce a video where we review your club, discussing its benefits, some differentiating factors and our opinion of the club and your company.  We may produce a single “company overview” review, or a “specific product review” video, or more.
  • Written Review
    When appropriate, we'll provide a written review of your club and your company.  If you have multiple club offerings within your company, we may provide written reviews of each.
  • Top Pages Listing
    We offer our audience a list of our “top wine clubs” based on our preferences.  (note: these “top pages” lists cannot be influenced by placement fees.)
  • Shop by State Pages Listing
    When your audience is searching for a wine club that ships to their state, we list our favorite wine clubs on those “state pages”.  (note: placement on these lists cannot be influenced by placement fees.)
  • Basic Review (Blog Post / Article)
    The “basic review” may not be a “full review” with videos, photos and access to our “top pages” lists, but a basic review is the simplest way to get your club reviewed and promoted on our site.
  • Company or Club Blog Post Mentions
    We deliver wine-related content to our audience in blog posts and may choose to link to specific companies we promote within those posts.
  • Website Reviews
    We introduce our audience to your company’s website and help them navigate to the product of their choice.
  • Product Overviews and Help
    We help customers understand the choices available within your club offerings and give summaries and details of the differences.
  • Individual Product Reviews
    We give a thorough and complete review of each of the wine club products available. (Assuming, of course, we receive each of the wine club products.)
  • Product Ordering Videos
    We record the ordering process, so new customers know exactly what to expect when they place their order.
  • Product “Unboxing” Videos
    When we receive your wine club delivery, we open the box on camera to show new customers exactly what they get when they order your products.
  • Wine Tasting Videos
    People want to know how the wine tastes, too.  Since we don’t want all this delicious wine go to waste, we are obliged to drink it.  ;)

Comprehensive promotions:

  • In addition to the actual review pages, we also create special blog posts that highlight specific content within the reviews, or the review process.
  • Further, we create additional content that is delivered on-site, within our wine-club network or externally that features particular wine clubs or their products.
  • We promote all of our reviews, videos and photos with our growing social media reach, search marketing and our newsletter list.
  • Your wine club will be noticed and well-positioned for new customers!

After you’ve been listed in our Wine Clubs Directory, contact us and we’ll discuss how we can review your wine club. (Read more details below.)


3. Gift Buyer’s Guides.

Giving the Gift of wine is a growing trend, and is very popular with our audience.

We publish gift buyer’s guides that help give the gift of wine deliveries. Our wine delivery gift guides reach businesses that want to amaze their clients, vendors and colleagues with wine delivered to their door, as well as personal friends of wine lovers.

If your products are right for gifts, then you may want a couple of them featured in our gift buyer’s guides.

After you’ve been listed in our Wine Clubs Directory, contact us and we’ll discuss adding select products into our Wine Club Gift Buyer’s Guide.


4. Email Promotions

Our growing list of subscribers to our email promotions and newsletters gives wine club owners the ability to turn time-sensitive promotions into successful campaigns.

Even if you don’t have a special promotion you want to run today, our loyal subscribers are the perfect audience for brand building and more exposure to this audience results in successful campaigns later.

Contact us for ad rates.


Ready for a Full-On Review?  What you need to know…

Want a Full Review of your Wine Club?  Awesome!  We’re glad to do it.

But please, know this: We give our honest reviews and ratings of the wine clubs we review. If you’re proud of your wine club, offer impressive customer service and provide amazing value to your customers — then you should expect a positive review.

However, if you’re concerned that you’ll get a “less than stellar” review, you may want to fix a few things before you ask us to review your wine club.

(Don’t let that stop you from getting your wine club listed in our directory of wine clubs, though. You can improve as you grow!)

As part of “The Review”: Make Us Your Customer

It’s really important to us, that we give real, honest reviews from a customer perspective.

The best way to do this, is for us to actually order your wine.

But, there’s a catch: You provide the wine, we provide the review.

After you contact us about your wine club, we’ll decide if it’s a good fit for us to review. If the answer is yes, then we’ll simply need you to issue up to 3 coupon codes for a free order of the clubs you want us to review.

The coupon code you provide would need to cover the complete cost of the wine club we’ll review, including shipping.

We can give the most comprehensive review if:

  • The deliveries are a minimum of 3 shipments
  • The deliveries are sent to all three of our reviewers

Let’s Talk!

What more promotional opportunities, or something more creative?

Need more answers or want to talk first?

No problem, just contact the Wine Club Group.  We’re good people.  We don’t bite.

Wine Club Group
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