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Forbes Wine Club Review (with Video)

[custom_frame_right shadow=”on”]WCG - Todd reviewing Forbes 350w[/custom_frame_right] Recently, I had the pleasure of reviewing a really unique and fun wine club, from a brand we all know well, Forbes.

Yep, Forbes has launched their own branded wine club now, and in typical Forbes fashion, it’s not your run-of-the-mill wine club. Instead of entering into this wine club business by introducing another “normal” wine club, Forbes is using technology to match delicious wines with the unique taste preferences of each customer. (They’ve partnered with TastingRoom, a really smart wine technology company to help make sure the Forbes wine club is sure to please.)

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”]WCG - Forbes Logo 120x60[/custom_frame_left]

As you’ll see in the review, Forbes doesn’t simply select wines and send you a couple bottles of wine each month. Rather, they use a fun technology process that results in you receiving wines that you like!

Here’s how it works:

  • You spend $9.95 (total) and Forbes sends you a “Tasting Kit”, which is 6 small bottles (a.k.a. “tastes”) of wines.
  • You then log in to your account with Forbes Wine Club to tell them what you like, by simply tasting the wine in each bottle and indicate which you prefer. (It’s super easy, and really fun!)
  • From there, your personalized “Wine Profile” is created.
  • Better still, based on this personalized Wine Profile, your first shipment of a case of wine is created!  You pay $80 (total) for this full case of wine. It’s an insanely low price for great wine. It’s even more of a value since the wine is selected specifically for you, based on your Wine Profile.)

Like when you received the Tasting Kit, when you get this first case of wine, you’ll want to continue to rate the wines you receive in order to further refine and enhance your customized Wine Profile. (With this additional data, Forbes can continually improve the accuracy with which they select wines for your unique wine preferences.)

The idea of using technology like this to match your personal taste preferences with their selections of high quality wine is really intriguing and the experience alone is worth the initial low costs, in my opinion.  I really like the personalized Wine Profile, too.  It's really clever and is ridiculously accurate!  (However, mine did not specify that I despise / loath / detest Reisling.  I guess they prefer to focus on the positives only. )

So let’s recap.

  1. $9.95 for the tasting kit and the resulting Wine Profile.
  2. 30 days later, you get the first shipment of your personalized case of wine for $80.
  3. Every 3 months thereafter, you get another case of wine that’s been curated for your unique wine preferences for $149.99 plus a flat $20 shipping.

It’s a great deal, on a unique club, from a brand you know.

Check out our full review and my video here!

Please let us know if you try this unique wine club experience and give us your feedback on the process, the value and their wine selections.

Wine Club Group
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